We provide weather analytics tailored to support decision-making in advanced air mobility, and can be adapted to deliver customized reports, self-service software for your team, or API integration


The Weather Data and Analytics Platform for resilient aircrafts and infrastructure. 

VertiPlace combines world-wide data availability with hyperlocal reconstruction capabilities to bring the most comprehensive yet specific knowledge of weather into engineering, planning, decision-making and design workflows of vertical air mobiltiy companies. 

Interested companies:
OEMs | Vertiport planners | Vertiport owners | Vertiport Managers | Governments | Urban planners | Operators | USSPs | Flight Planners

User groups:
Data analysts | Engineers | Architects | Managers

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The Digital Meteorologist that channels weather data and intelligence for the planning and monitoring of vertical and horizontal flight operations.

VertiMonitorGWC  supports real-time weather decision making for your highly automated vertiport operations by combining our data  engineering and computational physics algorithms with the robustness of sensor data.

VertiMonitor’s Go/No Go output is proving to support effectively drone and vertiport operators along their journey of professionalizing operations.

Interested companies:
Vertiport Operators | Drone Operators | Flight Planning Software | USSPs

User groups:
Pilots | Software Engineers

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WeTwinGWC creates a Weather Twin of your operational environment with exeptional data granularity. WeTwin is uniquely able to reconstruct complex environments.

The Weather Twin can be used 

  • as an add-on to third party applications to display  wind, turbulence and atmospheric variables,
  • as an add-on to VertiPlace to let you visualize the impact of variables such as mechanical turbulence and to optimize your ConOps
  • as an add-on to VertiMonitor to provide a realtime visualization of weather, winds and turbulence as they impact the FATO.

Interested companies:
Urban planners | Vertiports | Flight Planners | Drone Operators

User groups:
Pilots | Engineers | Architects

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